Slamdance, too
Just another academic blog, this one by a guy who recently joined the tenure track after struggling to prove to various hiring committes that a Master of Fine Arts is, in fact, a terminal degree. I finally got hired in a department where I didn't have to prove it because, wonder of wonders, they already knew this. Yay. I am happy -- most of the time. Reach me at terminalmfa [at] yahoo [dot[ com.
Since there are no exclamation points in the title, you might have guessed that the film did not get into Sundance. I had a good sulk about it, and I'm still disappointed, but I'm moving on. Still hoping for other great fests to invite us...
i got a call tonight from the festival programmer at one of the film fests we entered. i was just about to get excited when he told me that i had send them a dvd case with no dvd in it!
I'm still in rant mode over my screenwriting class, so this is more of that...
Conversation just now in the kitchen:
I spoke to two students yesterday who were at different levels of desperation in requesting extensions.
a few days ago, i wrote up a long post about festival entries, and (i thought) blogger ate it. so i posted a shorter version with the heading you see below this post. and (i thought) blogger ate it, too.
it's amazing to me how much more laid back this semester has been compared to the frenzied panic i felt all last year. here it is, a friday with a significant portion of the semester still to go, and i spent about 10 minutes reviewing class notes for next week and then just didn't feel like doing it anymore. so i stopped. i am prepared enough. i don't have to re-read it a thousand times. last year, i would have been memorizing and highlighting.
i sometimes miss writing prose. i used to have a real knack for it (maybe i still do). writing for film is about crafting good images, and yes, it does involve good wordplay. bu that wordplay is essentially crafted to sell the script and communicate the vision. i.e., some of the best stuff won't be seen by anyone except as it is translated to image. and, even at its best, prose in a script is still depressingly utilitarian.
I think we're going to lock picture by Thursday morning. Good solid 96 minute cut. Very happy with it. Just spent the last week re-cutting the opening and feel like it starts the film off much stronger now.