Good news!
The film FINALLY got into a small, regional fest. It's a brand new fest, just starting out, but I'm hoping this will be the stepping stone we need to get going with the festival circuit.
Just another academic blog, this one by a guy who recently joined the tenure track after struggling to prove to various hiring committes that a Master of Fine Arts is, in fact, a terminal degree. I finally got hired in a department where I didn't have to prove it because, wonder of wonders, they already knew this. Yay. I am happy -- most of the time. Reach me at terminalmfa [at] yahoo [dot[ com.
Yay, I'm glad you made it!
thanks, laura. i feel like i've got that monkey off my back. though i admit, given that it's a small fest no one has ever heard of, i'm having a bit of a groucho marx reaction (i.e., questioning the legitimacy of any club that would actually have me as a member).
but i'm trying to just enjoy it :-)
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