Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pseudonymous Blogging

I've been blogging under the TerminalMFA pseudonym for a while now (a quick check of my blog just now shows posts going back to October 2004, just after I started my tenure track job). But with my film going out to festivals, and a script about to start making the rounds in Hollywood, I feel the urge to blog more openly in terms of titles, names, specifics.

If you ask me, it's just ego. Nevertheless...

I started up a blog in my own name. Those of you who read this who know who I am IRL, drop me a line at terminalmfa @ yahoo.com (remove spaces), and I'll give you the address.

And yes, I do realize I am probably kidding myself that anyone is looking to make the leap over there.

Caveat: I will keep this blog active. I don't think it will go away completely. I like to have a private space where I can speak my mind without any fear of repercussion.

But I had this deep and burning desire to plaster my face all over my new blog, so...


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